Apprentices December 21, 2023 The Power of Human Connection There are countless moments in my work when I get to truly appreciate why I… Cara Lesser Love4
Apprentices October 15, 2019 Become a KID Museum Apprentice If you’ve visited KID Museum on the weekend, you’ve probably interacted with our high school… KID Museum Love11
Apprentices June 12, 2019 Congrats to our Graduating Apprentices The end of the school year means saying goodbye to some of our most beloved… KID Museum Love10
Apprentices May 21, 2019 Apprentice of the Month (May) Introducing our Apprentice of the Month: Anika! "We have been impressed with Anika Gupta's work… KID Museum Love10
Apprentices March 31, 2019 Apprentice of the Month (March) Introducing our Apprentice of the Month: Sherry! “Sherry Liang is the definition of dependable. Any… KID Museum Love9
Apprentices February 27, 2019 Apprentice of the Month (February) Apprentice of the Month, Bo Rider (pictured center) Introducing our Apprentice of the Month: Bo!… KID Museum Love9
Apprentices January 28, 2019 Apprentice of the Month (January) Introducing our Apprentice of the Month: Ivy! "We have witnessed Ivy's phenomenal work not only… KID Museum Love8
Apprentices June 12, 2018 KID Museum Apprentices – Oh, the Places They’ll Go! As the school year comes to a close, we see the doors open for a… KID Museum Love3
Apprentices April 13, 2018 From KID Apprentice to Local Change-Maker By Ryan Needle Three years ago, some friends came to me elated that they had… KID Museum Love11
Apprentices August 17, 2017 Meet the Apprentices: Anika, Medha, Katrina, Elizabeth and Kanali These high school students who work closely with educators to facilitate hands-on programming. Get to… KID Museum Love2
ApprenticescircuitsEducationRoboticsSTEM April 20, 2017 Like a Kid in a Toy Store: An Apprentice Story Northeastern University is known for its co-op program, which allows students to work as a… KID Museum Love17
3D PrintingApprenticescircuitsCodingcreativityFabric Artsinstrument buildingMakerMaker FaireRoboticsScratchToy 2.0 October 1, 2015 What a Faire! Maker Faire Silver Spring 2015 Last Sunday’s 3rd Annual Maker Faire Silver Spring featured over 80 inventors and innovators from… KID Museum Love0
3D Glasses3D PrintingAnimation StationApprenticesArt MachinesBest of WashingtoncampsCardboard ConstructionChain ReactioncircuitsCodingComputer StationcreativityE-TextileFabric ArtsFlying MachinesGroup VisitsIdentityinnovationinstrument buildinginventionInvention StudioInventorsKiddovateKIDs Make a DifferenceMakerMaker FaireMeet the InventorsMusicPaper CircuitsprogrammingRoboticsScienceScratchSolderingSound InstallationSummer of MakingThingamajigToy 2.0WeDoWoodshop September 24, 2015 Everyone’s a Maker: Maker Faire Silver Spring This year’s Maker Faire exhibits ranged from woodcrafters and mapmakers to high-tech developers and NASA… KID Museum Love0
3D PrintingApprentices July 1, 2015 Meet an Apprentice: Vanya Vanya Gorbachev is a 14-year-old KID Museum regular. He has been with KID Museum for… KID Museum Love18
ApprenticesChain Reaction October 18, 2014 KID Museum Apprentices Build A Chain Reaction With creativity, grit, and a little help from gravity, thirty teens set a chain reaction… KID Museum Love0