Introducing our Apprentice of the Month: Anika!
“We have been impressed with Anika Gupta’s work as an Apprentice for a long time. She is such an excellent help to new apprentices and provides a wonderful example of how to engage with both parents and kids on the floor.” – Kendra Woodfolk, KID Museum Apprentice Program Coordinator
School: Sophomore at Winston Churchill High School
Apprentice Since: February of 2018
Reason for Becoming an Apprentice: Anika wanted to become a KID Museum Apprentice because she thought it would be an excellent learning and professional experience.
Favorite Part of Being an Apprentice: She loves inspiring kids to work “outside of the standard instructions” to create something new and original: “My role as an Apprentice is more than just facilitating: it is to make sure kids are thinking outside the box and having fun.”
Advice for Apprentices: Anika advises Apprentices to look for ways to introduce additional creativity, no matter what activity they’re supervising. There’s always a way to make the experience “slightly more interesting and complicated,” she says, noting that more challenges add to the fun.
Future Plans: “I don’t have big plans for the future yet, but my goal is to finish my next two years of high school with good grades and loads of fun.”
KID Museum’s Apprenticeship Program gives high schoolers an opportunity to explore their interest in STEM while gaining valuable work experience and earning SSL hours. Apprentices must be high school sophomores or older. Learn more and submit an application here. The deadline is this Friday, May 24.