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Congrats to our Graduating Apprentices

By June 12, 2019No Comments

The end of the school year means saying goodbye to some of our most beloved apprentices, as they head off to college and beyond. Many of these graduates have been with KID Museum since their freshman year, working with Maker Educators to facilitate hands-on activities for kids and families. Apprentice Sherry Liang, who will attend the University of Maryland, College Park to study Computer Engineering in the fall, explains what being an apprentice at KID has meant to her: “Now, more than ever, creativity and innovation are the future. Both are only possible through nurturing childhood imagination, and as an apprentice I get to do exactly that!”

Many apprentices highlight how their time at KID has helped them develop important professional skills, including patience, collaboration, and empathy. Daniela Moreira, who has been with us for 4 years, explains her biggest takeaway from KID as learning “how to empathize and understand others.” She says, “It has given me a lot more patience and is the most widely applicable skill beyond all the maker skills I’ve gained from here.” Daniela will study Chemistry at Haverford University.

Apprentice Bo Rider has been with us since September of 2015. He explains that there have been countless times where he has experienced failure working with someone else, only to lead them to an even stronger idea and final product. Bo says we have to “embrace the process of learning and making. When we embrace challenges and failure, we will be better makers, ten times out of ten.” Bo looks forward to attending Cornell University in the fall.

We congratulate all of our graduating senior apprentices and look forward to seeing what they will accomplish in the future. We’ll miss you!

Benjamin ‘Bo’ Rider
Jasmin Callaway
Ivy Han
Elizabeth Hull
Geoffrey Kulp
Sherry Liang
Sophia Lin
Daniela Moreira
Mara Parau
Megan Rawlings
Grace Zhou

– Becca Neuman, KID Museum