3D Glasses3D PrintingAnimation StationApprenticesArt MachinesBest of WashingtoncampsCardboard ConstructionChain ReactioncircuitsCodingComputer StationcreativityE-TextileFabric ArtsFlying MachinesGroup VisitsIdentityinnovationinstrument buildinginventionInvention StudioInventorsKiddovateKIDs Make a DifferenceMakerMaker FaireMeet the InventorsMusicPaper CircuitsprogrammingRoboticsScienceScratchSolderingSound InstallationSummer of MakingThingamajigToy 2.0WeDoWoodshop September 24, 2015 Everyone’s a Maker: Maker Faire Silver Spring This year’s Maker Faire exhibits ranged from woodcrafters and mapmakers to high-tech developers and NASA… KID Museum Love0
Art Machinesinstrument buildingWoodshop September 17, 2015 Crafting a String Instrument This past weekend, KID Museum had a special workshop that allowed kids to explore the… KID Museum Love0
circuitsFabric ArtsInvention StudioMakerWoodshop August 3, 2015 Wednesday Maker Studio Have you been to Maker Studio yet? Every Wednesday since the spring, from 4:00 p.m.… KID Museum Love0