At the start of KID’s first App Fair, teachers and administrators were treated to an app launch and talks from app experts.
The day started with the launch of Cheryl Bregman’s app, Handwriting Heroes. Bregman is a pediatric occupational therapist and app developer who knew that there was an easier way to teach children how to write the letters of the alphabet. Attendees were able to download Handwriting Heroes free of charge.
Kristin Reiber Harris, an animator and app developer, followed the app launch with a talk on storytelling using mobile technology. Harris pointed to the apps Animatics and Animation Creation HD as useful tools for encouraging verbal and visual literacy in children. Later in the day, Harris led a workshop on making an interactive book.
Administrator and educational consultant Beth Poss closed the Education Session with advice on how to navigate the “appalanch” of apps aimed to promote language skills, problem solving, and social development.
Here at KID Museum, even teachers can learn a thing or two.
Jamie Gleklen