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Develop the skills and confidence to incorporate making into your teaching.

Teach for the Future Fellowship

Teach for the Future is a program designed to engage teachers as fellows over the course of a year and beyond, building capacity for delivering maker learning programs to students and advancing student creativity, agency, and empathy.

As educators work to refine their own practice, they develop an identity as “makers,” increasing confidence in delivering STEM content. With an emphasis on embedding maker learning into curriculum and aligning with academic standards, this program will address maker learning pedagogy, culturally responsive and sustaining education, technical skills, and project design.

The multi-day summer intensive is followed by ongoing learning opportunities throughout the year (virtual and in-person), and is suitable for K-8 classroom teachers and individuals with school-wide roles (Media Specialists, STEM Specialists, Content Specialists, etc.).


This pilot program begins in July 2023 and is limited to 60 elementary & middle school teachers from Maryland and the surrounding DMV area. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Application deadline: June 30, 2023.

The results of this pilot and research initiative will be a model for building sustained engagement and collaboration among Maryland’s educators. Each year, the program will onboard a new cohort of fellows, with the goal of facilitating ongoing engagement between former and current fellows.


Am I eligible to apply?

  • The Teach for the Future fellowship is open to K-8 classroom teachers and educators with school-wide roles such as specialists in STEM, media, and related content areas. Up to 60 teachers will be selected for this inaugural cohort.
  • Maryland teachers of underserved and underrepresented student populations have priority, but teachers throughout the DC region are invited to apply.
  • Application deadline: June 30, 2023.

What is the time commitment?

  • 2-day in-person Summer intensive, on July 12-13, 2023, from 10 AM – 4 PM each day
  • Two in-person touchpoints on Saturday, October 21 and Saturday February 10, from 10 AM – 1 PM
  • Three virtual touchpoints on Thursday, September 28, Wednesday, January 17, and Tuesday, May 7, from 4:30-6 PM via Zoom.
  • Developing, implementing, and sharing maker based activities in their schools
  • Sharing and collaborating with other teachers via an online platform
  • Participating in research and evaluation of the program

What will fellows leave the program with?

  • A $1,000 stipend and a materials stipend.
  • Technical skill building through the exploration of topics such as:
    • Cardboard construction skills
    • Entry level/accessible woodworking
    • Introductory 3D modeling
    • Introductory coding with platforms such as Scratch, Micro:bit, and Makey MakeyIntroductory and intermediate circuits
  • Creative, learner-driven approaches to learning and teaching that can be applied to any and all subjects to infuse their curriculum with maker and constructivist-theory-based project-based activities.
  • Access to a digital platform that provides KID Museum-created lessons as well as providing shared resources and teacher-created activities and lessons.
  • A network of teachers working to develop, review, and improve on each others lessons.

If you have any questions, please contact us at


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