Please note that you must agree to these terms in the KID Museum Camp Form in order for your child to attend.
Camp Policies
Attendance / Make-Ups
KID Museum does not guarantee that camps canceled due to circumstances beyond our control will be made up. We do not offer make-up camps or refunds due to a child’s inability to attend. If KID Museum cancels camp for any reason, we will provide a refund.
Withdrawals, Refunds & Transfers
- Full refund (minus a $20 processing fee per child per week) if canceled by May 24, 2024
- 50% refund (minus a $20 processing fee per child per week) if canceled up to two weeks before the start of camp week.
- No refund if canceled less than two weeks before the start of camp week.
Transfer Policy
- Camper transfers from one session to another will only be made if space is available. All transfers are subject to a $20 fee.
- Changes to registration can be made up to two weeks before the camp starts.
Code of Conduct
It is the goal of KID Museum to provide a safe and supportive environment for all camp participants. Children who attend camp are expected to follow the Code of Conduct below and to interact appropriately in a group setting. The Code of Conduct will be reviewed with campers at the start of the first day in order to ensure their understanding and agreement.
KID Museum does not tolerate the following:
- Any form of physical or verbal abuse or threat of physical harm.
- Continued disrespect towards others and/or disruption of the program.
- Vandalism, stealing, or tampering with equipment.
- The use of any and all illegal substances.
- Bringing weapons of any kind, the making of weapons, or using objects as weapons.
- Any disregard for our health and safety protocols.
When a camp participant does not follow the Code of Conduct, we may take the following steps:
- Staff will redirect the child to more appropriate behavior.
- If the behavior persists, a discussion will take place to remind the child of the behavior guidelines and camp rules. A parent will be notified that this discussion took place.
- If a problem persists and the child continues to disobey behavior guidelines and camp rules, KID Museum reserves the right to remove the child from camp indefinitely.
- No refunds or credits will be issued for campers who are removed from camp. Children who are removed from camp must be picked up by an authorized adult within 60 minutes of notification.
KID Museum reserves the right to modify, repeat, accelerate steps or not use the outlined processes as the situation demands.
Electronic Devices
We encourage campers to leave electronic devices at home, including cell phones. If a camp requires a laptop or tablet, KID Museum will provide it to all campers. KID Museum is not responsible for any lost items.
Inclement Weather
In cases of inclement weather, KID Museum will be closed if County or Federal Government offices are closed. On days in question, please call 301-941-4905 and/or check our site for up-to-date information on closings and delays. We cannot guarantee our ability to make up the missed day of camp.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Drop-off: 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM
Pick-up: 4:00 PM
Aftercare Pick-up: M-TH, 4:00-6:00 PM
Aftercare is available for purchase during the registration process for Monday – Thursday, 4:00 – 6:00 PM. We do not provide aftercare on Fridays. Please purchase aftercare during your registration process if you will need it as space is limited.
If aftercare spots have not been filled, day-to-day registration will be available at the front desk of each of our locations, but space is not guaranteed.
Please note that we cannot accommodate late pick-ups. If you are more than 15 minutes late, we will charge a $10 fee and $1/ minute thereafter to cover the cost of our staff overtime.
Release Agreement
By registering your child you agree to the following: Although every effort is made to provide a safe environment, I recognize there is always a risk of an accident occurring. By submitting a registration, I agree to release and discharge KID Museum from any and all liability and/or claims or damages arising out of personal injury that occurs during my student’s participation in onsite or offsite KID Museum programs. I agree to be responsible for any medical bills incurred resulting from illness or injury in such programming. Students are expected to carry their own accident and medical insurance. If necessary, I authorize KID Museum staff to authorize medical treatment for my child.
Photo Release
By registering your child, you consent to KID Museum’s use of their image and likeness as shown in any photographs, videotapes, motion picture film, or electronic images and any audio recordings made of the participant’s voice in whatever way KID Museum desires, including television, print, website, and social media platforms. Furthermore, you consent that such photographs, films, recordings, electronic images shall be the sole property of KID Museum.
Nondiscrimination Statement
KID Museum prohibits illegal discrimination based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, immigration status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, family/parental status, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, poverty and socioeconomic status, language, or other legally or constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations. Discrimination undermines our community’s long-standing efforts to create, foster, and promote equity, inclusion, and acceptance for all. Some examples of discrimination include acts of hate, violence, insensitivity, harassment, bullying, disrespect, or retaliation. This Policy affirms the Board and KID’s belief that each and every student matters, and in particular, that educational outcomes should never be predictable by any individual’s actual or perceived personal characteristics. The Policy also recognizes that equity requires proactive steps to identify and redress implicit biases, practices that have an unjustified disparate impact, and structural and institutional barriers that impede equality of educational or employment opportunities.